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The Pelvic Studio are strong advocates for exercise during pregnancy. In order to encourage this, we offer pregnancy-friendly functional group classes that will help compliment your tailored home program.

Classes are suitable at any stage in your pregnancy, and can be attended until 38-40 weeks if appropriate and you’re feeling comfortable!

Our classes include:

  • Functional group exercises using our cable machines, weights, kettle bells, medicine balls, bags

  • Pilates-inspired exercises using our reformer machines, yoga, mats, resistance bands, slider boards,

  • Stretching and yoga poses to improve range of motion and reduce muscular tension 

  • Specific pelvic floor and deep core exercises

Pregnancy Pilates/Exercise Classes:

Our ‘pregnancy classes’ are group sessions, of 8-10 participants, each week your physiotherapist will take you through a group warm up, including pelvic floor muscle training, a series of exercise "pods”, and a group mat series. You will also receive pregnancy related pelvic floor education throughout the class weeks, including information on pelvic floor and core in pregnancy, managing pelvic girdle pain, labour TENs, labour positions and more.


Term 3

Thursday 6th June - Thursday 25th Jul 4.40pm
Thurs 6th June - Thurs 25th Jul 5.40pm

Term 4 and Beyond!

Classes are changing from August! Join at any time, pre-paid pricing for 8 week blocks.

Thursday 5:00pm
Thursday 5:45pm

$40.00 / session
$280.00 / 8 week block - prepaid pricing!

Invoices are provided for private health claiming with rebates up to $25.00 depending on your health fund!


Small Group Sessions:

Our 4:1 sessions are smaller than our larger pregnancy group sessions allowing for more individualised programs, and are available to all patients, creating a mix of participants! During these sessions more specifically tailored exercises will be prescribed for you that address your particular needs and goals. These sessions may be a great starting place for those wanting to optimise their technique and stability prior to progressing to a larger class setting or for those at the end stage of their rehabilitation and are seeking a higher level more intense program. There also a great opportunity to slow things down, and many of our pregnancy patients join these sessions in their late third trimester to focus on pregnancy aches and pains, and mobility for labour.


Our small group classes run year round! You can join whenever a space becomes available in your preferred time. These classes also offer flexibility so you don’t have to attend the same time every week, or each week in a row.

Monday: 11:45am / 4:15pm

Tuesday 1:30pm

Wednesday 11:45am

Thursday: 10:45am / 1:45pm

Can’t see a time that suits? Our timetable is always growing, email our friendly reception team to request a class time!

$45.00 / session
$180.00 / block of 4 (can be used at your discretion)

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) recommends muscle strengthening exercise at least 2 days per week (on non-consecutive days).

Our TPS classes tick this box! If you’re wanting to do 2x classes a week to meet this recommendation, see our class packages below:

1x pregnancy exercise class + 1x small group class per week:
$560 / block of 16 sessions
(enquire at reception for split payments)

2x small group classes per week:
$40.00 / class
$320.00 / block of 8

Pre-Class Requirements

In order to attend our classes you need to complete a prenatal assessment with one of our pelvic floor physiotherapists. We strongly believe an assessment is a ‘standard’ part of antenatal care. In other words, we believe all women who are pregnant should have a pelvic assessment at some point in their pregnancy - preferably in the early stages from 12 weeks onwards - irrespective of whether you experience any issues or dysfunction. This assessment is to prevent rather than treat the common issues that occur during and after pregnancy.

So how do you book?

We have two options for class bookings!

1) Casual, one off sessions can be booked online via our website at the link below

Pregnancy Exercise Classes $40/class

Small Group Sessions $50.00/session

2) To access our pre-paid packages, speak to our friendly reception team

Pregnancy Exercise Classes $35/class prepaid block of 8 classes

Small Group Sessions $45.00/session prepaid block of 4 sessions


 Private health rebates apply and often range between $10-$25 per class

Check with your health fund what your private health rebate is using the code 595
